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    The suggestion was made for me to have hip replacement at 60 years of age, which caused me to look to alternate healing methods.  My condition was aggravated by many rear-end accidents since the year 2000 and a sedentary work environment.  One year of specific and intense structural acupuncture treatments took my scoliosis to a straight and healthy spine. I am grateful for having a back that is pain free and allows me continued strength training (twice a week) and Sotai-Ho physical exercises (daily), shiatsu and myofascial massage (every two weeks), walking, reaching for objects on top shelves, using a step ladder, and homeowner maintenance chores.    

Joan F.

    As a fellow health care provider, I have worked collaboratively with Dr. Dooling on some of my chiropractic patients. She has shown herself to be insightful, intellectually curious, instructive, and most importantly a skilled practitioner. She has been instrumental in helping to facilitate positive outcomes with patients that needed adjunctive care and not just my adjustments.I have been a patient of Ms. Dooling for the past two years and I have benefited from her expertise as an acupuncturist. As a practitioner, she has shown herself be compassionate, empathetic, and intuitive. With the use of needles and herbs, she has helped me significantly with my personal health issues.  

- Dr. N Brustin 

    Adrienne is an exceptional practitioner combined with an enjoyable bedside manner and professionalism.  She treated both myself and my husband for joint pain and obesity and discussed options for our health.  We developed a lot of trust and were very comfortable.  Some options were new to us that we had not discussed with our doctors such as herbal use, avoiding certain foods and weight loss advice.  We highly recommend her treatments and view acupuncture as an extremely useful tool for healthcare.   

- H J Merwin 


    I heard a lot about acupuncture.  On this trip  I decided to try a few sessions with Adrienne.   I had back pain for the last 38 years or so.  After three sessions the pain in my lower back has been reduced to a minimal level.  I received treatments for my neck, left shoulder, knees and feet. Even my left knee is finally in better condition and reduced from a 6 to level 1 out of 10.  I learned a lot too and will recommend to all my friends who have pain.

-T Mathias


    I never tried acupuncture prior to seeing Adrienne.  Pain in my right leg and foot ranged from 8 to 10 and modern medications would take the edge off the pain but i still had trouble walking any distance.  After my third acupuncture treatment the pain dropped to a 3-4 without any medications.  Walking and standing was much more manageable and I plan to continue treatments when I go home.  

- T.  Christian 


    I have had sciatica for over two years.  The onset was spontaneous and there was no injury.  I tried everything western medicine had to offer; MRI's pain injections, physical therapy and medications, all to no avail.  I had five treatments of acupuncture with Adrienne and after the second I experienced relief for the first time in two years.  I have less pain and more flexibility than ever.  I will continue having treatments and incorporate herbs also.  If you are looking for a natural remedy for your pain, I highly recommend acupuncture!  

- E. Strittmatter 


    I had constant pain for over 6 weeks and had the great fortune to meet and discuss my problem with Adrienne.  After a meticulous and in-depth consultation, I felt confident that Adrienne had grasped what was causing my back pain and prescribed a course of three acupuncture treatments over five days which brought substantial relief from a level of 7/10 to less than 1/10.  It allowed me to take full advantage of my vacation and enjoy outdoor activities.  Her professionalism and understanding of human physiology was excellent but most of all her gentle and nurturing manner put me totally at ease with the needling process.  I have and continue to recommend her to my friends who need help.

- B. Ferreira 

    I saw Adrienne for plantar fasciitis and after three treatments am walking pain free.  I was blessed to have my sciatic nerve pain and arthritis in my hands treated.  She was the answer to my prayers.

- M. Miles 

    I never had acupuncture treatments previously and so I am not able to do a comparable… however, upon being stricken with an acute gout attack, I knew that I needed help and so I attended a talk that Adrienne was giving on nutrition, herbal medicine and acupuncture.  She offered me a consultation and was confident that she could help me.  Five treatments, some herbs and dietary suggestions and I was back to normal.  I realize that I could have gone to the pharmacy and obtained something for immediate relief, however, I also realize that it would be a temporary solution with possible side effects.  Thank you Adrienne! I am now working with my diet and confident that I am on top of my gout situation for the longterm.  

- J Swick 

    I had tendonitis for 7 months and never had acupuncture by anyone as qualified and well trained as Adrienne.  On my initial treatment I was quite nervous and she taught me how to breathe from my abdomen which helped me to relax.  By the first treatment I was feeling much better and by the fifth  treatment the tendonitis was minimal and has not returned.  I am very appreciative of how you helped me through acupuncture and am so glad that I signed up!

- H. Long 

    This was my first experience of acupuncture and was so glad to meet Adrienne who is very knowledgeable and compassionate.  I felt at ease right away.  The experience was a very positive one and I realize that acupuncture is just one step to well being.  Adrienne's professionalism was very refreshing.  She knew more about my genetic condition than my nurse practitioner and explained the mechanism and benefits of acupuncture for prevention and health.  

- A. Merwin 

    I really enjoy the feelings of relief, relaxation and energy that acupuncture treatments give me.  I have multiple sports injuries, a bad ankle in particular and I feel good as new.  I recommend trying NADA protocol with body points for this which has worked so well for me.

- C. Nowell 

    Your treatments have helped me considerable and I will continue to have checkups every six months.  

- K. Blackledge 

    After one treatment of acupuncture, I had no pain in my left hip and after three treatments I cannot understate the benefit it has made to low back pain that I have been suffering from for years, minor knee pain after surgery, stiff neck and ankles… All gone!!  Thank you so much Adrienne.  

- L. Dombkowski 

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