Adrienne Dooling O.M.D., L.Ac
Alignment Acupuncture Specialty
What is alignment acupuncture and is it different from regular acupuncture?
Seitai Shinpo is the method of Japanese acupuncture. During a Seitai Shinpo acupuncture treatment, the practitioner is working with you in the room over a period of 1-1.5 hrs. It is unlike other acupuncture systems and requires much more focus and detail during the treatment. Japanese acupuncture needles are much finer in size than in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) so you don't feel them as much.
1. The structure of your physical body is ruled by gravity and the laws of physics here on Earth.
2. When our centre of gravity is off balance ie. one hip higher than the other it creates distortion, fascial constriction, organ distortion, circulatory problems and nerve conduction decreases.
3. Alignment of the skeletal structure helps with pain, releases fascial constriction, regulates and boosts immunity and enhances ones overall well being. It also has an effect on the mind.
How does acupuncture help a person to shift and enable one to become more flexible?
1. A re-set of the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic (fight-flight) to parasympathetic (rest-digest) mode.
2. Adjusting layers of electro magnetic bio-fields that various acupuncture point combinations have the capacity to adjust with (positive-negative pole potentials) We are electrical creatures by nature from our central nervous system to the circulatory system and brain.
Is it painful?
The sensation of Qi or your own energy pathways opening and circulating has a distinct feeling but not pain per se. People have described it as a dull movement or quick painless zinging or slowing down sensations, some people even find it funny. Mostly people feel very relaxed and sleepy and even snore on the table! Single use disposable Japanese needles are much smaller than a hypodermic needle, in fact 38 Seirin needles can fit into such a needle.
What should I expect before and during treatment?
Before coming to your appointment I usually email intake forms and if you do not have a printer then I will post forms to your address. Depending on the complexity of your case, we may need to schedule an initial consultation over the phone which may take up to one hour prior to your appointment. This saves a lot of time on the day of your first treatment.
Consultation includes:
1. Initial intake with numerical rating scale (NRS) 0-10 scale for all conditions ticked off on your intake form.
2.Case history.
3.Tongue diagnosis.
4.Appointment scheduling.
5.Herbal / dietary recommendations where applicable.
Acupuncture treatment:
1. Postural analysis.
2. Tongue/Pulse diagnosis.
3. Acupuncture treatment.
4. Moxibustion.
5. E-stim, gua sha, cupping if required.
Lab consultation for gut microbiology - adrenal function - urinary function - hormonal function.
1. Labs take time and we may need to separate it out from your acupuncture treatment. This ensures that we cover all aspects of your treatment plan.
How many treatments will I need and do you accept insurance?
1. The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person depending on your condition.
2. Some people experience dramatic relief after the first treatment. Some people need longer particularly with chronic conditions. Bear in mind the body is a very intelligent system but needs your willingness to help improve your health. The brain can take a few pointers to get the message! 😊
3. For complex or long-standing chronic conditions 1 tx x 4 weeks initially, then we review your case.
4. For acute problems 3-5 treatments again depending on your body condition.
5. Classical Herbal formulas speed up healing as they are created for your particular constitution and modified if needed. They can be taken in tincture, tea, granules or tablets.
Yes, I accept insurance from all major insurance companies in Cork and Kerry. Laya, Irish Life, VHI, HSF, St. Pauls Garda Medical Aid Society all refund you a portion of the cost incurred.
Do you treat children with acupuncture, acupressure or herbal medicine?
Yes, children of all ages come and receive acupressure if very young and if they wish to graduate to acupuncture then they have that option. Mom's and Dad's love to watch their little ones enjoy the treatments. Coughs and colds can be remedied with herbal medicine in either tincture or granules (like an instant coffee drink) or put into capsules if time allows. Children also love Sho ni Shin which is a Japanese form of massage on the acupuncture points and meridians.
I like to teach parents to do their own treatments at home and give handouts with diagrams to practice. All sorts of kiddy ailments can be treated in theses ways. Treatments usually take about 30 minutes.
Can I request a regular acupuncture treatment and just rest?
Yes, this is a TCM type of treatment. Seitai is a specialty and is a deep treatment but sometimes what is needed is to have a simple treatment and a quiet rest alone in the treatment room.
Are there any other things that I need to know?
Breathing exercises during acupuncture treatments are important and you can use these exercises in your daily life in any situation. Sotai Ho exercises are alignment based exercises that I also teach you and are easily practiced by you at home. You might also have moxa homework on specific acupuncture points, dietary changes to contemplate and some lifestyle choices that may or may not be working for you at certain times of the year. Oriental medicine is big on living alongside the changing seasons in terms of nutrition, warmth, cold, wet, dry, dampness etc.. As human beings we have not changed much over thousands of years even if lifestyles are very different. Much of what applied back then still applies to us today. 😊